SENIOR Chief Mukuni will be held accountable if anything happens to Home Affairs Minister, Stephen Kampyongo following his “careless” threats, chiefs in Muchinga Province have warned.

The chiefs also ordered Senior Chief Mukuni of the Toka-Leya people of Southern Province to retract the threats and apologise to the nation for being “careless.”

This follows Senior Chief Mukuni’s threats on the life of Mr. Kampyongo after police arrested one of his wives, Veronica in connection with the disappearance of the Hatembo siblings.

Chief Luchembe of the Bemba people said it was saddening as a traditional leader that Senior Chief Mukuni issued a dangerous threat on Mr. Kampyongo who was only carrying out his mandate as Home Affairs minister.

He said in an interview that Senior Chief Mukuni was being careless for issuing such a dangerous threat that could also come out badly for him as a traditional leader.

“It was very careless for him to issue such threats, by threatening that young man’s life, he was threatening himself, if anything bad happens to him, he will be blamed,” he said

Chief Luchembe reminded Senior Chief Mukuni that it was not Mr. Kampyongo who arrested Queen Mukuni but the law which had been put in place by Zambians had caught up with her.

He said Senior Chief Mukuni would do well to always remember that no one, including the chiefs, was above the law and God and that he was only human besides being a traditional leader.

“As a traditional leader he should respect the law and lead by example and should control his subjects so that they too follow the law,” he said.

And Chief Chikwanda urged Senior Chief Mukuni to exercise self-restraint, a virtue expected of a traditional leader.

Chief. Chikwanda also urged Senior Chief Mukuni not to be quick to react to situations but patiently weigh a matter that he is faced with as doing so would be damaging to him as a traditional leader.

He regretted the fact that Senior Chief Mukuni despite being a traditional leader issued such threats on the minister without giving it a second thought.

“It’s sad that Senior Chief Mukuni issued such threats on Mr Kampyongo because he is not alone, he has a family and if anything bad happens to him there would be chaos in the nation,” Chief Chikwanda said. -Daily Nation


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