By Veronica Mwale,
CIC private reporter,

Copper Belt~Kitwe.


The two sided reality of politics lie in the balance as at today as the key candidates in the forthcoming general elections file their nomination papers.

Hakainde Hichilema of the Upnd is expected to file his nomination papers this morning at mulungushi conference centre accompanied by thousands of his supporters.

The country heads to the polls on 12th August to elect leaders who will guide Zambia either for the better or for worse….

Power Load shedding,high cost of living,high taxes ,bad roads,high unemployment,corruption and many other factors have prompted many citizens to think to change government opting for HH who has been consistent with his promises of a robust economy with agriculture on the top notch.

The decision Zambians will make on the 12th of august,will certainly be the best.

On the other hand,the PF ,loaded with money to dish out and corruption written on their foreheads,do not seem ready for any other results other than a victory for them…their manoeuvres in the recent past ,conniving with some officers at ECZ to concoct the voter register,prisoners registration,foreigners registration all point to a fact that they would fight their way .

Zambians must decide who to vote for and how to protect their vote.

The future of Zambia lies in the balance,choosing PF to continue in the lead is choosing poverty,unemployment and a bad economy…

HH and the Upnd have offered to heal Zambia and bring it back on track economically…the choice to vote and protect your vote is entirely yours…

Vote wisely~we can’t afford another five years with PF.


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