ZAMBIA , WATCH AND PRAY – Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili

Rev. Godfridah Sumaili
Rev. Godfridah Sumaili

ZAMBIA , WATCH AND PRAY – Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili

Thur. June 15, 2023

Former National Guidance Minister Hon. Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili has expressed dismay at what she has described as the constant harrasment, arrest and detention of political opponents by the New dawn administration.

Mrs Sumaili’s statement comes after the arrest of Patriotic Front member of the Central Committee, Zambia’s former Ambassador to Ethiopia, Emmanuel Mwamba.

Mwamba who is being detained at Emasdale police in Lusaka was picked by Police at a car wash in woodlands yesterday. He joins the long line of PF leaders and members who have passed through police cells over the past couple of months.

Mrs Sumaili has advised the New dawn government to instead focus on improving the cost of living, promoting justice and unity and implementing the rule of law .

” Who does that ? Instead of improving and reducing the cost of living, promoting justice, unity, peace and rule of law, you inflict pain and untold suffering on fellow Zambians by harassing, arresting and detaining them without proven cause. Who does that?
Zambians are awake and watching. Zambians Its time to WATCH and PRAY,” She said .


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