STUDENTS are greatly concerned with auditor general’s report that forfeited money worth millions of kwacha and dollars is missing and are not fully satisfied with the explanations given by the Commission.

Zambia National Students Union – ZANASU – President Steven Kanyakula said his Union remembers that the forfeited monies were said to have been given to the Higher Education Loans and Scholarship Board (HELSB) for loans but wondered why the institution has continued to perform like it never received any such monies.

“There is nothing to show that such colossal amounts of money were actually delivered to Loans Board because the amount of students benefitting from the loans has remained the same as was the case under the previous regime,” said Mr Kanyakula.

ZANASU called on the Minister of Finance and HELSB to clarify the status of these funds and how much went into funding of student loans, if any.

Meanwhile, ZANASU is also concerned with reports that the Anti-Corruption Commission is shielding corruption investigation and prosecution of the Director General at WARMA for fraud and corruption.

Mr Kanyakula said President Hakainde Hichilema has always been clear on the need to engage in a holistic fight against corruption but that the nation continues to witness a postponed fight against graft.

“The corruption they are fighting today from the previous regime was known to the ACC then when it happened but they decided that time they would postpone this fight to time when Government changes. They are still doing the same now as can be seen from what is happening at WARMA,” he said

The lukewarm and selective fight against corruption makes the Commission weak and ineffective.

ZANASU has demanded that an explanation is given on what transpired with the money when ACC transferred it from its account and as to whether the money went into the general revenue of the Republic or was given to institutions without following the law.

“We also demand that ACC must become proactive and holistic in the fight against corruption, and demonstrate its independence,” he said


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