After the tragic news of the death of flamboyant businessman Ginimbi broke the internet, the question on everybody’s mind was; “Who is going to take over his assets?”

Ginimbi lived a flashy lifestyle, owned expensive cars and his Domboshava mansion had become the status symbol and hallmark of his splurging lifestyle.

Although Ginimbi claimed to have built the mansion in his home area where he grew up, a 2018 court record reveal that businesswoman Zodwa Mkandla also claims ownership of the Domboshava mansion.

These ownership details were leaked in court as Zodwa sought to retrieve lost property worth $60 000 at the house in question.

In the court case, the State detailed that Zodwa lost the property at her Domboshava mansion to one of her security personnel, a man identified as Justice Jasi.

Zodwa and Ginimbi have been speculated to have been romantically involved and even married under the Marriage Act which entitle them to dual ownership of properties.

The two business people never categorically stated their marital status and on numerous occasions, Ginimbi skirted answering questions about his marital status.

Ginimbi’s father also revealed that Ginimbi had left children although he never claimed them when he was alive.

Sources close to the developments told the press that “Zodwa has already started projecting herself as the surviving spouse, and is firmly in charge.”


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