ZAMBIA’s Sixth President Edgar Lungu has called on Zambians to break the chain of tribalism, regionalism, tribal hatred, and political discrimination, the vices that have seen the country divided in the last three years and embrace unity, love and harmony, the values of peace.

In his message to mark the Heroes and Unity Day yesterday, former President Lungu said Zambians should never forget the profound sacrifice the forefathers invested in freeing the country from colonial bondage.

“This is a day we must remember and cherish our heroes such as Dr Kenneth Kaunda, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Nalumino Mundia, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and many others, too numerous to mention but never to be forgotten. It is the day we celebrate that great hero Zanco Mphundu Mutembo in whose embodiment the Freedom Statue was erected,” he said.

“You see, the colonialists jailed Zanco and threatened him with death if he did not break the chains. Zanco, however, summoned all the strength in his body and broke the chains as you see at the Freedom Statue today since 1974 when the statue was commissioned in his honour.

Like Zanco, let us break the chains of tribalism and political discrimination and instead embrace the spirit of love and unity because we only have one Zambia

6 thoughts on “LET’S BRAKE THE CHAIN OF TRIBALISM – Edgar Lungu

  1. Isn’t this stupid awisi Tasila when u are the one well known to be a proper tribalism . Mukokatako pa ka nwa before uttering anything . A u for really or may be mr Jameson was in your medullary canal. Look at your self full of tribalism kupela . Next time please sober up we don’t want to listen to that crapshoot.

  2. Sole William the actercts of tribalism today he want to look holy, please don’t take him serious he means the opposite during his time he legalized tribalism , favoritism, cadrism, police brutality, gassing, land grabbing, nepotism and corruption, apart from that himself said a tonga man shall never rule this country he even hired helicopter just to compagin on tribal line this son of Dog .
    The following names were paid by himself just to champion tribalism
    1.yaluma Christopher
    3.sunday chanda
    4.innocent kalimashi
    6.mumbi phiri
    7.luo nkandu
    8.chishimba kambwili
    10.edgar lungu
    11.neckson chilangwa told jubilee malambo that this is not southern province
    Edgar lungu you are very stupid and idiots stop fooling me ,check your appointments the it was .

  3. The archangel of tribalism and regionalism is now a convert to national unity.

    That’s what Jehovah says, ” how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.

    Bob Marley sang,” how good and pleasant it could be before God and man, to see the reunification of Africans”.

    Remember what the truth says , what God has put together, let no man put asunder.

  4. Mr. Lungu is the epitome of hypocrisy, lies and lawlessness. If there is a single leader who has contributed immensely to the current tribal and regional divisions, it is you Mr. Lungu.

    You presided over the most divisive regime in the history of Zambia and it is shocking to hear you talk about uniting the country when you did your best to tear it asunder along tribal lines. In case you babe forgotten, I remember what you said about a Tonga ruling Zambia. Disgraceful to say the least!

    Mr. Lungu is truly amazing in his hypocrisy.

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