Senior Chief Mukuni of the Tokaleya people of Kazungula district in Livingstone has demanded for the unconditional lifting of the suspension of Lusaka Lawyer John Sangwa from appearing before any Zambian Court.

And Chief Mukuni has called on all traditional leaders in Zambia to offer solidarity to Mr. Sangwa as his suspension is unfair and unjust.

Chief Mukuni has described Mr. Sangwa as a patriot, a man of logical mind, a defender of the constitution and the rule of law.

In a statement, Chief Mukuni said Mr. Sangwa’s selfless act in the face of naked aggression and persecution by the state machinery, political party functionaries and surrogates, inspires hope and direction for the country that has reeled backwards in areas of constitutionalism, civil and political liberties.

He said Mr. Sangwa’s resolute fight transcends the pettiness of politics, partisanships and patronage.

The Traditional leader said Mr Sangwa has raised the bar for Zambians, especially the young citizens to emulate and pursue.

Below is the full statement

Press statement for immediate release from Senior Chief Mukuni

15th March 2020


I wish to call upon my collegues their Royal Highnesses across the Republic to offer solidarity to a patriot, a man of a logical mind, defender of the constitution and the rule of law, John Sangwa SC, for his unequivocal and courageous resolve to stand on the side of the people, by defending democracy and civil liberties of all our citizens. John Sangwa’s suspension by the Judiciary from practicing his law is unfair and unjust and should be lifted immediately.

Counsel Sangwa’s selfless act in the face of naked aggression and persecution by the state machinery, political party functionaries and surrogates, inspires hope and direction for our country that has reeled backwards in areas of constitutionalism, civil and political liberties and shared values on which our nation was founded upon.

Mr John Sangwa’s apolitical and resolute fight transcends the pettiness of politics, partisanships and patronage, it is a fight for the survival of the collective character of this nation that exceeds artificial barriers of race, ethnicity, gender, religion and other narrow sectarian interests. He has raised the bar for our people, especially our young citizens to emulate and pursue. He and other like minded brave patriots must be supported by all peace loving citizens.

There can be no prosperity and progress for any nation whose government does not place constitutionalism, the rule of law and impartial pursuance of public order at the centre of its existence. All Traditional leaders must therefore support any effort that promotes the rule of law and the enjoyment of peaceful coexistence by their subjects.

We must speak with one voice, against the abuse of the institutions of governance by those who are vested with priveleges and responsibilities to govern. This is what John Sangwa SC is advocating for, this is why he needs our collective support by ensuring his arbitrary suspension from appearing before the courts of law, is unconditionally lifted.

God bless you and may He bless the Republic.

Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people of Kazungula, Livingstone and Zimba Districts and all the Bene Mukuni.


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