UKA DEAD…as Lucky Mulusa  resigns as Secretary General citing lack of sincerity and hardheartedness



To the chairman
United Kwacha Alliance Council of Presidents
New Heritage Party secretariat
Ceder Road

Dear Sir,


You will recall as well as I do that yesterday, His excellence President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Presidents Prof. Apostle Pule, Sean Tembo, and myself had to leave the CoP Meeting prematurely due to prior engagements. This left only four of you save for Pres. Nawakwi, to pass resolutions that have shocked the local political landscape.

I must hasten to state that, I learnt with a state of shock regarding the decisions to expel the three members, namely Presidents Peter Sinkamba, Apostle Pule, and Sean Tembo. This has left me in a state of petrificus totalus, which state cannot allow me to function with the free spirit I enjoyed prior to this development.

You will recall that, while I was not against fair sanctions being meted out to erring members, I always prayed for application of due processes that would underwrite fairness, right to be heard and sanctions that would not be out of all proportions to the nature of the offences committed.

This development has made the working environment to suddenly become extremely toxic, perpetuated by just a few individuals who caucus before every meeting while others innocently attend with a free spirit hoping to achieve the best alternative political proposition for our beloved nation.

To try and achieve self-satisfaction at the expense of other people’s human feelings is baffling. To announce the expulsion of president Sinkamba when he had issued numerous statements that he had moved on is similar to pulling a rag under somebody’s feet when they are no longer standing on any. It shows what motivates you to do so is not fairness but vanity, its not love, but pure unbridled hatred, and everything anti Christian.

Your small (a few members of CoP) team’s constant visitation of the desire to inflict the harshest punishment on members you have not given an opportunity to be heard, and neither has the full CoP had the team’s opportunity to deliberate, nor has application of the due process been done, has painfully guided my conscious that, I don’t belong.

Yesterday’s decision was made without due regard to Presidents Lungu’s and Nawakwi’s pleas for love and unity. Surely all oof you who voted for such dispecable decisions, I wish to pose a question, were these two leaders’ pleas not to mention His Excellence President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s tears just in vain? Bushe mwapangwa shani mwe bana bakwa Lesa?

Given the a foregoing, I have stepped down from the United Kwacha Alliance Secretary General position with immediate effect so that you may appoint someone with a like mind to yours team.

I will always remember UKA CoP members as well as the AoP members and the general structures and membership for the good you all were to me and hope that we will all be better people when next our paths cross.

God bless us all,

Hon. Lucky Mabenga Mulusa.


  1. Ba Lungu na PF “minwe ya bubenshi. Ico baikatako ku fungauka” (Mr. Lungu and his PF are like termites. Whatever they touch crumbles). UKWA died immediately they admitted PF in their midst.

    Let’s see how UKWA survives withoutMr. Lungu and his PF. It will be a true test of their resilience.

  2. I have no problem with seeing citizens coming together in lawful pursuit of any lawful goal. I equally have no problem with seeing citizens unmake that which they sought to pursue. Making and unmaking are part and parcel of what it is to be a free citizen. Chishala Kateka, I don’t want to say, ” I told you so”.

  3. I will use the same words I used to Wynter Kabimba, Mr. Mulusa, you took too long to realize what you have realized now. You should have seen it much earlier, however it’s better late than never. I am sure you are even asking yourself questions like; what was I doing in such an alliance? It’s wise to jump out of a sinking ship before you sink with it because you lose nothing but save your life. Thank you for liberating yourself.

  4. They want to be in a hurry to remove the hard working President of the people of Zambia without having tangible reasons,and I see them fighting each other.They will fail.

  5. This process must take place for any organization to finally stabilize, but registration must be cardinal so that people join as members and not as political parties, then individuals will come in and be allowed to participate as individuals and not political party presidents only.

  6. Decisions based on hatred don’t come to anything. The poison is Lungu. He is toxic and a waste of time for any thinking person. Those guys in UKWA/UKA want to use Lungu to get ministerial appointments if he wins. Lungu wants to use them to avoid splitting votes and dump them after winning just like Hakainde Hichilema did with the youth and UPND alliance colleagues like KBF. So both Lungu on one side and the other presidents on the other DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER. They want to dribble each other. The expulsion if those three is because they are perceived as not adding value to the pursuit of HH removal.
    Lungu loves NO ONE. Not the people of Zambia, not his wife and children, only himself. His deeds last year and even today have shown. The warning to civil servants is a stark reminder of his hatred. Fred M’membe recalls how Lungu single handedly finished off his Post Newspaper. RB must be turning in his grave to think that even in sickness he begged HH not to strip Lungu’s immunity and HH has faithfully kept his promise to the extent of risking his own second term. But typical of his kind like the proverbial “pearls to pigs” parable of Christ, Lungu has kept insulting HH, blatantly disregarding what was agreed at the tripartite meeting convened at RB’s home where Lungu was pictured with the biggest laugh of a losing president ever recorded in world history.

    So UKA or UKWA is gone. ECL has to find another vehicle to plot 1. He tried Gunyu Masaka, Emmanuel Mwamba, Nawakwi, corrupt Bishop Banda and his Catholic brown envelopes cronies, the youth, JJ, Munir Zulu, M’membe, Zumani, Sean TEMBO, the mad Tayali, Danny Pule, the list is endless.

  7. UKA is a political cartail that wad formed with ill intentions to undermine president Hakainde Hichilema. When people come together with the sole purpose of spreading rumours, propaganda and falsehood it cannot last. UKA hates president Hakainde Hichilema and they are determined come with with evil schemes, but the good news is that UKA is a white elephant and soon it will go into extinction.

    UKA alliance is made up of frustrated I dividuals who are filled with hatred and jealous.

    No evil schemes or any satanic weapons or agenda against president Hakainde Hichilema will proper. It is well with president Hakainde Hichilema and his family including the entire government.


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