The treasury is very very broke and the Ministry of Finance does not have the money for 9 by elections- Miles Sampa

By Miles Sampa
All the 9 MPs were given amnesty or matter resolved amicably within the PF. The Office of Speaker was advised so in writing on Friday for the 7 MP and other 2 yesterday first thing in the morning some 8 hours before the ruling was made.

The letters were signed by the incumbent Secretary General and President of the party who days ago dismissed the SG he had appointed months back. In the PF constitution only the President can appoint and disappoint the SG. The SG position is not electable. An SG as an assistant for the party President and therefor acts on his behalf as the appointing authority. The President and now also SG letters are valid when received at Parliament. It’s not for Parliament to ignore and get involved in party matters. The ConCourt ruling last week stated the Speaker cannot question correspondence from a party be it via the President or SG and more so when holding both positions.

The deputy Speaker Moyo ignored the amnesty letters from the party President/SG and took matters in his own hands.

Even if it’s insisting on becoming a banana republic, this is extreme and total dislike for the Country and its ordinary people. The treasury is very very broke and the Ministry of Finance does not have the money for these by elections and about everything else given the drought and other factors.

Find it in your conscience to do the right thing. It is not too late. Avoid these by elections for your own good governance sake.

6 thoughts on “The treasury is very very broke and the Ministry of Finance does not have the money for 9 by elections- Miles Sampa

  1. Here we go again. The man conti ues to cause confusion not only in PF and now wants to speak for treasury.
    Who made you spokesman of the Ministry of Finance to suggest such a statement? Already the Acting PF President has stated that instead of being Parliament to face the confusion you have created in PF; you are hiding in South Africa like the coward you are. What a woose….an embarassment and I wish Parliament was able to expel you so that we see what the Acting PF President suggested in his press is true. Living off crumbs thrown at you….what a pity….

  2. Miles, that cup of Tea you took was once consumed by Mulongoti.
    Besides, if you were convinced to add to the woes of government by causing the by elections that will cost millions, too bad.
    However, I thought it was good redance(sp).
    I know you are being threatened with witchcraft and possibly physical attacks.
    Stand strong because you have done a great job to remove people that contributed to the economic woes this country who continued enjoying our tax money for their damage to the economy and credibility of parliament. Ngawaumfwa debate yabo mu parliament kwati kuti wafwayafye umushili ukumine nagula wingile panshi.
    Don’t retreat mune, ebwaume.

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