Chellah Tukuta Photography writes ;

President Hakainde Hichilema should not be dragged into the PF wrangles because from way back PF cause their own problems. Didn’t PF know that:

1) In 2015 Miles opened his own party after Lungu was declared its candidate following the death of Sata? He had caused a lot of confusion without HH involved

2) Miles in 2016 joined an Alliance with UPND and went to play in Muchinga Province making UPND fail to gunner the votes?

3) 2017 Miles closed his party and rejoined PF and stood as Mayor after death of a mayor. HH was not involved

4) In 2021 he stood as MP in Matero. HH wad not involved

The above is just a brief background on Miles and so people should not drag the President in the PF wrangles knowing they have a history if messing themselves up.

The President is tirelessly working on fixing the mess that was left behind and he cannot divide his attention.


  1. Very sensible comment, we are sick tired of some fools who only think of HH in everything they see, think of or talk about. These confusions and wrangles in PF started in 2014 immediately Sata died and HH was nowhere near PF that time.

  2. Lol. How ignorant Zambians can be. Today it’s PF believe me next it’s UPND to be scattered politicians teach themselves these bad maneuvers of the constitution and manipulation of the judicial system.

  3. Njala yanyokola Chellah.

    Soon he will be a tenant. The bank will collect that house including all that cheap furniture he has bought. They might even take his hule.

  4. We have an issue in our country, and the issue is dishonesty and not being objective, we don’t want to address our own mistakes and failures. The PF issue was created just after the elections, they did not address the issue of choosing a leader after Mr Lungu said he was out of politics. They asked people to pay for their candidacy, then it was postponement and postponement, and then now the one who was out of politics is the leader? Honestly can’t we see how this confusion has been generated? Blaming others does not take away the root cause of the issue, this is about individuals seeking power and the games are from within.
    I can imagine that UPND will be smiling on the sidelines because a fractured opposition will seem to be to their advantage???

  5. If PF had gone to the convention and selected a leader, it would have been in a very good position today. But alas the allowed the snake and sheep to hold it to ransom.

  6. PF is a confused and indisciplined party!
    Let it never come back to power to cause confusion again!
    Let’s concentrate on fixing the damaged economy and infrastructure!
    It’s great to note that the New Dawn is slowly getting it’s act together!
    Bravo for redoing the damaged roads across the country! Particularly the ring road leading to our MFEZ. This was long overdue!
    Secondly, we see loadshedding is slowly becoming a thing of the past. You have stimulated serious investments in alternative power and it’s already bearing fruit.
    We thank God for the Drought! It has helped us as a country to move away from our comfort zone of nearly 90% dependency on Hydro power!
    We also thank God for the Drought. It has taught us to do farming all-year-round under irrigation!
    It’s gratifying to see many patches of green Maize fields in July across the country! This will help to reduce the cost of Mealie Meal!
    The downward trend of the USD is also encouraging! It will help to bring the cost of living down in the short term.
    Surely, a party that is too busy fixing the economy cannot be responsible for the self-induced problems in a party known for doing things the confused way!
    Let PF blame ECL and Miles! They are responsible for destroying PF!

  7. Well said. Those pointing fingers at HH have never seen anything bad pointing at them without trying to blame it on the President. They did the same when they started gassing Zambians. When there was a draught, they blamed HH.
    When they pretended to liquidate KCM, they diverted the attention to ficticous mines selling by HH through privatisation which was a government process.
    When they are practicing tribalism, they are busy blinding the people by saying the Tongas and Lozis are employing their own in government, diplomatic service and autonomous institutions. Genuine investigative journalists must go to these institutions and get the statistics. A simple example is FAZ where most other tribes have been shut out except a few used to cleanse their ills. They are sick and tribal inclination is no shame to them.
    What we need is what we can call ‘ TRIBAL OSMOSIS’ in these institutions which are a national cake to be enjoyed by every tribe. When you go even to these big private companies, if the Human resource Manager or Director is from those “Bakaitemwe” then the rest will come from their own or tribal cousins. Those of us from intermarriage arrangements are worried that even our own friends and ‘relatives’ throw us under the bus because we crossed tribal lines. Honestly? And all this to be blamed on HH? NO PLEASE, ILYASHI LYAMUBWALWA TELYO BANE.

  8. After the huge electoral loss, PF did the right thing by going round the country to listen to the people on what caused their huge loss, people genuinely told them all the mistakes they made like cadres, pomposity, high handedness, girlfriends openly chewing indirectly from government coffers, abuse of national resources, not following their own constitution open show of by their cadres of riches not genuinely acquired and a Mariade of other issues were revealed. PF then tabled these issues and came up with resolutions that needed to be made one of which was to change the face of PF from presidency downwards by way of a convention, when time for implantation of what was agreed came by, they reneged on their own findings and decided to throw the resolutions through the window and go back to the usual ways of doing things away from their own constitution, this was the beginning of their problems, the man who was chosen to guide the process of change (Lubinda) and who was going in the right direction to sort out the mess was pushed aside and in came ADADA, then from Miles away someone retaliated hence the problems of PF today. These problems are of their own making because of their resistance to change.

  9. You bootlicker don’t be dull ,open your eyes ,the whole issue is stopping at hh ,hh and upnd are causers of this issue .So iweee ba idiot don’t fool yourselves but to every action there ……finish that statement if at you went to school elementary

  10. Correct Tukuta.Some PF officials and supporters behave like witch finders.They don’t understand the cause of problems in their party.The problem is not from outside no but this is an internal issue and started long time ago.Nakachinda is one person who has a habit of mentioning HH in there internal matters and Lunte member.Maybe they want Bally to fix the challenges they have, they have failed to iron out this.The coming back of ECL is one of the causes.Management and discipline play a role in political party integrity and growth,
    Selfishness causes such rangles and they will be endless.Now how can Zambians give power to disorganized people like these.If you give power to such characters then you want to embarrass your selves on the continent and beyond.The I concept.”Kano ni nebo bashala awe yeti ba kwanishe ukuteka”..Only if it is me who rules the rest can’t.But even if ECL gives up they will still fight it is in their blood.It is systemic.

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