By Best Jere

The Lusaka High Court has stopped the decision of Patriotic Front (PF) President, Miles Sampa to remove Morgan Ng’ona as a member of the Central Committee and PF Secretary General.

The Court has also halted Mr. Sampa’s decision to dissolve the Central Committee organ of the PF.

In this matter, Mr. Ng’ona sued Mr. Sampa demanding among other reliefs an order that Mr. Sampa’s decision to dissolve the central committee of the opposition party is illegal saying he does not wield such powers.

Meanwhile, High Court Judge, Conceptor Zulu, has set today July 4, 2024, for an interparty hearing of the matter.


  1. So now Hakainde had removed his backing of Miles Sampa, following Sampa’s meeting with ECL.

    Surely where can these politicians find time to serve the people? Hakainde is working overtime fixing his opponents, he has forgotten he also needs to fix the economy which he himself has damaged. This is the calibre of leaders at present.

    Total rubbish!

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    1. UPND is the greatest mistake we ever made to put in power. The same way they supported Sampa, now they’ll support Chabinga because Sampa’s deal seems to have gone bad. Elo ninshi Chaninga is the worst kaponya with those 2 fools Chama and Ground. Declaring 9 seats vacant tops the chart on all the rubbish these guys have done so far.

    2. It’s you who is talking total rubbish and your imagination is total rubbish. How does HH7 come in for God’s sake?
      Sampa expelled your “stupid idiots”. What does it mean to you, you useless thing when you are suspended? Do you remain in Parliament? Why didn’t he excuse them all these time?
      You think NA is a playground for the Defunct TuPF crimminals?
      Now you gonna learn a lesson that playing with fire is dangerous
      On the other hand since you claim to be popular, this is your chance to retain all the seats
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  2. Hakainde the Shimololwa… Destroying the country’s democracy.. destroying the country..the country is in total confusion because of this man.
    Now he has moved to Morgan Ng’ona and the clown Chabinga..
    Hakainde is not fit to be President of Zambia..his character, his person is very low for such a high Office. Come 2026, he should be sent packing and brought to account for all his abuses. Just tired of the nonsense in Zambia under this man.

    1. Who will send HH backing. The few hanging PFs? Don’t say Zambians because am a Zambian I don’t see who can come into State House and make better Zambia among the colonies of ECL or UKA. Imwe bantu are you really thinking. No quality in the PF now to run Zambia after they destroyed it. Sakwibas what can that ka grouping do surely? Silavwe hhhm a boy without even DNA of leadership. Nawakwi full of bitterness and once failed as MoF. Pule Dan has failed to run his Church…it is just total scrap group.

  3. Comedy of errors. That is what happens when you lose power. Your former leaders fight for scraps until the party is dead. It even happened to MMD after they lost Nevers and Mutati were fighting for the scraps and where is MMD today? Same fate awaits the PF. Good riddance.

  4. Hate him. We all know that some mouths are good for hatred and insults are there bread to eat.
    Reasoning and talking are two different things.

  5. Hate him. We all know that some mouths are good for hatred and insults are there bread to eat.
    Reasoning and talking are two different things.
    They eat and they insults the person feeding them.

  6. Surely are these adults in Zambia who have nothing better to do. The behavior of these chaps, they are just finishing themselves. This is how people like Nevers Mumba, Mutati , Musenge have finished themselves because they have no integrity. Even Sampa which people can vote for him for any public office. Zambians have concluded that his normality is questionable. But him thinks he’s very clever. Buchushi.

  7. A lot has happened within a short period of time. The speed with which events are happening is very disturbing to any reasoning person.

    What is evident is that there is a lot of ignorance being expressed by some opposition leaders regarding what the law allows and does not allow to happen in a resgistered establishment.

    Secondly, one fundamental principle which seems to elude most leaders is the need to apply wise and wide Consultation of professional advise which is a necessary process to undertake when important decisions are being made.

    It should be noted that rushing to make uninformed and unlawful decisions is detrimental to progress.

    As always a saying qouted by many people “ignorance is not an excuse” is not carefully thought through. Instead excitement and arrogance is the norm with some of our political leaders. This in itself is alarming.

    Therefore being over zealous and and ambitious without knowledge is dangerous. This self inflicted position will now unfortunately be determined by the process of legal precedence and tenenats of the very constitution that holds this grouping together.

    There is no need to look outside this very group in question in order to see the culprits of the current confusion.

    Introspection is a very necessary process for the political opponents to embrace. In this present case at hand running away from open facts will only leave interested members chasing shadows they can not catch.

    At the end of the day arrogance, selfishness and ignorance has once again robbed the voters of a democratic process where the voters emerge as the true and absolute victors in the governance of this great Republic of Zambia.

    The lack of strong and capable leaders in the opposition is a serious draw back. When one critically analyzes the critical thinking of most opposition leaders they fall short of well calculated steps where much thought is put into action before embarking on tasks which have lasting consequences.

    Sadly and regrettably the masses are drawn into the repercussions of wrong decisions. Imagine the needless cost of the by- elections. In the future vacancies such as this one must be surrendered to the second runners up from the previous election within the constituencies affected. These candidates would hold the positions till the next general elections. This may discourage overzealous leaders from repeating such unreasonable decisions of ejecting legally elected Members of parliament. This expense will no doubt come out from tax payers pockets while the same MPs will negotiate more pay and huge retirement benefits at our expense. This does not make any logical sense at all.

    In this current scenario, one man surely can not over rule the entire committee members who gave him legitimacy. What is more shocking is how the person who was said to be illegitimate is now being commended for appointing MPs in the oppossing camp of the same political party. Are they now legitimizing the appointment of the person they refused to accept as President.

    This episode of comedy will surely end in tears as the legal proffessionals weigh in on actual facts surrounding these decisions using the constitution which all memebers including their president must abide by and obey.

  8. Be careful who you allow to lay hands on your head!
    One self-styled Seer1 said they scattered someone’s brain and replaced it with sawdust and the results seem to show … Kikikiki
    Do you want scatter brains to continue governing you?

  9. Suddenly, Chama america and Ground FBI are speaking with so much authority because they know they are riding on the horse that has blessings from the powers that be. DISGUSTING!

  10. Fellow Zambians, we seen to be overlooking the “elephant in the room” which is the genesis of all these problems; was the extraordinary congress which Sampa, Ng’ona and Chabinga convene done according to the PF constitution? Instead of addressing the small technicalities, why is the court developing cold feet in pronouncing itself on this matter?

  11. This is exactly what I fore saw and predicted that this matter may attract court cases, injunction after the other.And these PF officials from both fuctions are busy breaking the law by functioning or showing signs of currying on their duties when matters are in court except for those who were allowed to function in parly pending hearing on 9 and 11 July.It may be better for PF family to talk from out side they sought out all pending matters.Their problems is disturbing the nation.The trouble shooters must know that Zambia as a country can attend to developmental issues pending than this bad drama.We seriously need the opposition to give the checks and balances.Without these the country may not run well although the quality of opposition is pathetic honestly speaking.The speaker must increase on leadership work shops and possibly visitations to other credible parliaments around.Management skills must be enhenced too.The embarrassing conduct we see may reduce to acceptable level.

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